Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Halloween and the Cutest Dino Ever

This year for Halloween Carter went as a "Dino." He was really excited about it. A couple of weeks before Halloween, we started "training" Carter for trick or treating. When he said, "trick or treat" we gave him a couple of marshmallows in his bucket. One night when we got home a little bit past our normal dinner time, he ran into the closet and grabbed his bucket and said, "trick or treat" in the most pitiful voice you ever heard. I guess he just figured that this was a surefire way to get fed.
A couple of days before Halloween, we got together with some friends from the apartment complex and decorated cookies.
Carter made the one on the bottom left. The day before Halloween, they did trick or treating at Jeremy's business school. All of his training paid off and Carter had a great time.

I wasn't sure how much Carter would like real trick or treating, but we decided to take him out to a few houses. He loved it! He even ran up to the houses and knocked on the door all by himself.

Holidays are so much more fun with kids. I can't wait until Christmas this year!

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