Thursday, April 30, 2015

Becoming a Mom of Two

The transition from one to two kids has kind of rocked my world. In a lot of ways, the transition from one to two kids has been a lot harder than the transition from zero to one. I got a little bit of a reprieve from real life because my mom was here for 10 days after Logan was born, Jeremy had a break from school for a few weeks, and then Jeremy's mom came into town for 10 days after Jeremy started school again.
 I think Carter thought having a new baby was one big party because both of his grandmas came into town and spoiled him. Carter LOVED having Phyllis here. They played trains, went to the science center, and got happy meals. It was really nice having our moms here to give so much attention to Carter and to help with the transition. Carter has done pretty well with with not being jealous of Logan. There have just been a couple of times though that he has gotten a little bit territorial. During one of these times, Carter wanted Phyllis to play with him, but she told him that she had to change Logan's poopy diaper. After hearing this, Carter strained really hard, tooted, and said, "No, I have a poopy diaper." Occasionally, Carter said, "Don't talk to Logan." "Put him in his house" (we call Logan's bouncer his house).
(In this picture, I promised Carter a sucker if he would smile)
I think maybe Carter thought that when Phyllis left, the baby might go with her. I think he was a little bit confused and disturbed when that did not happen. Being home along with a newborn and a two year old has been pretty challenging. We are really blessed to live by some great friends who really helped out a lot during that first little bit when I was on my own, I don't know what I would have done without them! Right before Phyllis left, Logan's colic started. Carter never had Colic and so it was a new experience for me. A lot of nights, Logan cried from about 7pm to midnight. It was really exhausting chasing Carter around all day and then trying to bounce Logan all evening. I think one of the hardest things about newborns for me is how unpredictable they are. You never know when they are going to nap, or for how long. I love that I know when Carter will nap, how long he will sleep, and when he'll go down for the night. It's nice to know you can plan on a little bit of alone time :)

Another challenging thing for me has been keeping an eye on Carter while feeding Logan. Logan LOVES to eat, so we run into that challenge often. I have found that it is never a good thing if Carter is too quiet. During one of those quiet moments, I walked in to Carter's room to find this scene...

Carter and his buddy, Reid had smeared diaper paste all over themselves. That stuff is tenacious! It took two leave in baking soda treatments, dish soap, and washing his hair with coke before it finally, sort of, came out.

Carter still talks about this experience..."Carter sad, Reid sad, mama sad, everybody sad." At about 7 weeks, Logan started smiling. I think that makes everything a little bit easier.

 Logan's colic ended at about 3 months and he is getting to be more and more fun every day. He is really ticklish and has the funniest laugh.

Carter and Logan are getting to be better buddies too. Most of the time Carter tells me that his best friend is Reid. However, on some rare occasions, it is, "Logan!" Carter is especially sweet with him in the mornings. In this picture, he is saying, "Morning Logan, have any dreams, Logan?"
I do love those boys.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad I found this on my Google Plus! What sweet boys. They are both SO adorable, and you look amazing Melody! The beginning stages of having two is the kind of hard nobody really tells you about, isn't it. I remember dropping off Emma at a playdate a week after Mark was born and I started sobbing out of nowhere. My poor friend! haha she had just had her third a few months earlier, and she was so kind to just let me feel overwhelmed and let it out. She told me any mom of two is looking at me now and wanting to give me a hug. I want to give you a hug too, although the kids look so happy and everything seems to be fine and you're a great mom. :) It gets so wonderful after the first smiles - I totally agree! Hope your new place is treating you nice! Miss you guys!
