Thursday, December 22, 2011

Holiday Time!

It's crazy that it's almost Christmas again. I thought I would catch up with a few pictures that we've taken during this holiday season. We had our friend Sam over and had a nice Thanksgiving at home

I made a caramel apple pie for dessert and I was pretty proud of how it turned out. It was delicious!
It's been really fun having a house to decorate for Christmas this year. The day after Thanksgiving we went out to pick out our tree. They always look so much smaller when they are in the lot...we cut a bit off of it and it ended up looking great!
One of my favorite ornaments from this year...excuse the nudity
Here are a few more pictures of the house decorated for Christmas...
found this cute card holder
We did peppermint cupcakes for our neighbor gifts this year. Last weekend we went to Longwood gardens to see their Christmas display. The theme this year was "gingerbread fantasy." They had a couple of pretty awesome gingerbread replications of the buildings at longwood
all of the windows were made out of sugar, I wanted to poke one really badly! Here are a few more pictures of longwood
Have a wonderful Christmas!


  1. LOVE all the pics! I have a nursing ornament, too! And Richard has a Dentist ornament - nerdy, I know! :) I laughed out loud about you wanting to poke a hole in one of the windows. Hilarious! :) Love you, Melo!

  2. OH! And the pie looks delicious! and so do the cupcakes! I WANT ONE! :) (or maybe two!) hahahaha! :)
