Sunday, February 21, 2010

Spring Mountain

Melo and I went to Spring Mountain Ski Resort this weekend. Think bunny hill, not multi-peak ski resort. We decided to go tubing. You start by hooking your tube to a wench that pulls you to the top of the mountain. When you get to the top, you choose a lane and let her rip. You can actually get going pretty fast (maybe 25 mph?) if you get yourself into an aerodynamic position and limit contact with the snow. Anyway, here's a video I took that basically explains it all:

Melody's lesson for the children at church was on light and dark (these are 3 year olds so they keep the lessons pretty simple). We went to the library across the street from where we live to see if we could find a book on light and dark. They didn't have Goodnight Moon, a childhood classic; but they did have this book:

I would have totally gone for it. I can think of few illustrations of light vs. dark that are more memorable to me as a child than this.

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