Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Beach trips

Two weeks ago, Carter and I tagged along on a business trip to Cabo San Lucas with Jeremy. Jeremy was helping the hotel to get Green Globe certified. It was a little bit of a different experience than we thought it would be... The hotel was in the middle of nowhere and operated completely off solar power. There wasn't enough power to use a lot of things like blow dryers...hair straighteners... air conditioning (it was 96 degrees). To make matters worse, there was no shade on the beach and you couldn't really get in the water because the undertow was so strong. The beach was pretty though.

We saw some wild horses on the beach

The whole time I was there, I just really wanted a chocolate milkshake. I asked the bartender to make me one. He acted like he knew what I meant and then made me basically really cold chocolate milk. He thought it looked good, so he made himself one too. I had to get a real milkshake at McDonalds in the airport on the way home. Carter was such a trooper. He was a happy, sweat soaked little guy the whole time

Last weekend, Jeremy's mom came for a visit. Carter loved having his Gram here. We wish we lived closer!

We took Carter to the zoo for the first time and fed the giraffes.

We also drove to Ocean City for the day on Saturday. Carter got to ride on a merry go round for the first time and got to play on the beach again. He seems to really love the beach. I'm shocked he didn't try to eat the sand.

Carter has gotten to be a pretty expert crawler. He's also pretty good at pulling himself up on things and is very proud of himself.

He also likes "helping" with everything. We sure love this little boy!